In response, Albus Dumbledore formed the Hogwarts Duelling Club, under the supervision of Professor Flitwick and Jacob's sibling's Head of House, to allow students to practise in a safe and supervised manner. They had previously learnt how to duel from a secret duelling book found in the Artefact Room. Duelling outside of this environment was strictly forbidden and grounds for expulsion.ĭuring the 1984–1985 school year, Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde were caught duelling over Merula's bullying of Ben Copper. The marks on the walls from various spells were left as a visual reminder of the dangers associated with the practice. Sometime before 1984, a room was set aside at Hogwarts Castle to allow students to practise duelling. ' - Harry Potter's and Voldemort's infamous final duel
' The bang was like a cannon blast, and the golden flames that erupted between them, at the dead centre of the circle they had been treading, marked the point where the spells collided.